Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life Altering Choices ... and Consequences

Time to make some tough decisions ... why is being a grown up so hard?!?!

So recently there have been several things going on in my life, at home, at work, with the kids, in all areas of my life that have lead me to the conclusion that it's time to make some of the tough decisions that I have been putting off for a while...

I really do enjoy my J-O-B and the people that I work with and I know I'm blessed to have a job in this economy.  But... there's always a "but" in these things somewhere ... I also know that I want to accomplish more in my life.

So now I'm faced with the overwhelming choice ... do I split my focus and go back to school? If I do, what do I want to be when I grow up? Will I be able to afford it? Will it be good or bad for the kids? Will I succeed or fail?


Do I continue doing what I'm doing and just hope for the best? Do I hope that the company I work for gets additional contracts? Do I hope that my skills will be needed in a month, six months, a year?

It's a tough decision ... and the more I think about it, the more I realize what I want to do. Now I just need to stop being a chicken procrastinating and DO IT!

I want to live my dream. I want to finish school. I want to be a veterinarian.

I figure at this pace I will graduate from school about the same time as Christian!
But at least I will accomplish my dream!

It's not going to be easy. Not only will I be juggling a full time school load, full time "Mommy" and full time job. I will have to re-balance my precarious co-parenting schedule. The work and school stuff doesn't scare me too much, the co-parenting is the really scary part! My ex and I have had our difficulties trying to balance our schedules. It wasn't a pleasant break up and I'm sure that the whole topic of school will be fine until it means having to move to where the school is.

I think that's maybe why I have put off going back to school for so long. I don't want to have that argument. It's easier to just roll along without rocking the boat ...

Check back and I'll update my progress.... I know I have a diploma around here somewhere ....

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